Pat 1136 - Diagonal Squares Tee
Square 3: Row 1 (WS): Sl 1, knit to center st, p1, knit to last st, p1.
Triangle 6: Row 3: Sl 1, knit to center st, p1, knit to last 2 sts, p2 tog.
Pat 1370 - Sideways Rainbows Jacket and Vest
BODY: Dividing Row (RS): ...BO next 21 (23, 26, 26, 27, 28, 28) sts
RIGHT FRONT: Next Row (RS): CO 21 (23, 26, 26, 27, 28, 28) sts
Pat 1520 - Petals Baby Cardie
LACE PAT: Row 1 (RS): * K1, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, k1; rep from * across.
BODY: Inc Row (RS): (K1, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, k1) 1 (2, 3) times, * [yo, k1, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, k1] for inc, k1, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, k1, work bet [ ] for inc, (k1, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, k1) 2 times, work bet [ ] for inc, k1, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, k1; rep from * 2 more times, work bet [ ] for inc, (k1, yo, sl 1, k2 tog, psso, yo, k1) 1 (2, 3) times.
SLEEVES: Size 1: To shape sleeve, dec 1 st each end every 2 in. 3 times---34 sts rem. Work even until Sleeve measures 7 in. from beg. Knit 4 rows, dec 4sts evenly in first row---30 sts rem.
Pat 1542 - Winter Pennants
RIGHT FRONT: Buttonhole Row: Sl 1, p1, k2 tog, yo wrapping yarn around needle twice
Pat 1562 - Sampler Scarf
Square 3: Row 7: (K1, p1) twice, k1, (k2 tog, yo, p7, yo, ssk, k1) twice.
Pat 1578 - Cactus Flower Cardie
CACTUS FLOWER CHART: Read lines on Rows 25 and 45 starting and ending at RED line as shown below:
SLEEVE: Row 6: Line Row 6 should read:
For sizes XS, S and M: P2tog, p3, (p6, p2tog, p6) 4x, p3, p2tog.
For sizes L, 1X and 2X: P2tog, p4, (p6, p2tog, p6) 5 times, p4, p2tog.
Pat 1638 - Claire Vest
Work even until armhole measures 7 (7.5, 8, 8.5, 9)", ending with a WS row, placing marker on each side of center 31 (33, 35, 37, 41) sts.
Next Row (RS): Work in pat across to center marked sts, work in Seed st on those sts, complete row as est.
Work even for 1".
Work last row as originally written.
Pat 1644 - Bella Cardie
BODY: Inc Row (RS): Knit across inc 29 (30, 31, 32, 33) sts evenly in row—214 231 248 265 282 sts.
Keeping first and last sts in Garter st, with WS facing, Beg Scallop Pat on center sts as follows:
Row 1 (WS): Knit. Row 2: (K2 tog) 3 times, [(yo, k1) 5 times, yo, (k2 tog) 6 times] 11 (12, 13, 14, 15) times, (yo, k1) 5 times, yo, (k2 tog) 3 times.
After next Inc Row, you will have 236 (255, 274, 293, 312) sts. Knit 1 row.
Next Row: (K2 tog) 3 times, [(yo, k1) 5 times, yo, k1, (k2 tog) 6 times, k1] 11 (12, 13, 14, 15) times, (yo, k1) 5 times, yo, (k2 tog) 3 times.
After last Inc Row, you will have 258 (279, 300, 321, 342) sts. Knit 1 row.
Next Row to est Pat: (K2 tog) 3 times, [(yo, k1) 5 times, yo, k2, (k2 tog) 6 times, k2] 11 (12, 13, 14, 15) times, (yo, k1) 5 times, yo, (k2 tog) 3 times.
Cuff: Rnd 2: [K1 (2, 0, 1, 2) sts, (k2tog) 3 times, (yo,k1) 5 times, yo, (K2 tog) 3 times] 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) times.
Neck Trim: Pick up and knit 25 (27, 29, 31, 33) sts on back neck CO edge. Total sts = 81 (85, 89, 93, 97) sts.
Pat 1674 - Leah Top
Beg St st (knit every rnd while working in rnds), and work even until Back measures 9.5 in. from beg.
Next Rnd: Knit across
30 34 35 39 40 44 sts, pm, k2 tog
22 22 26 26 30 30 times, pm,
complete rnd. The 2 new markers indicate center front—
162 178 190 206 218 234 sts rem
Pat 1708 - Fish Scales
Finished Sizes: 33.25 (37.5, 41.75, 46, 50.25, 54.5) in., plus overlap
RIGHT HALF: After first half of armhole shaping is done: Work even until Right Half measures 8 (9, 10, 11, 12, 13) in.
Pat 1710 - Fahari
Work even until Front measures 11 in. from beg. Right Upper Front: WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, when Front measures 12 (12, 11.5, 11.5, 11, 11) in.
Schematics Length to armhole: 12 (12, 11.5, 11.5, 11, 11) in.; armhole depths: 11 (11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5) in.
Joining Row: Cable CO 51 53 55 57 59 61 sts for back of neck placing makers after first 12 and before last 12 sts.
Right Neckband: pick up and knit 1 st in each CO st between the 2 markers at center back of neck. (27 29, 31, 33, 35, 37 sts), total number of sts
133 141 143 151 153 161
Finishing: Attach upper edge of neckband to back of neck to complete shoulders.
Pat 1740 - Athena Tank
Row 21 of Chart should read across as follows (also, see chart below): K2, yo, k2 tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, p13, k2 tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, yo, k2.
While working chart, each RS row should begin with k2 before the first yo starting with Row 21.
Pat 1752 - Braided Yoke Tank
Back: Rep Rows 4 and 5 as many times as listed in the pattern. DO NOT "purl back" as listed in the original pattern. Place sts on holder.
Pat 1774 - Yoga Shrug & Socks
Stitch Key: box with dot in center should read "purl on RS rows"
Pat 1782 - Market Bag
Rnd 7: * (Inc 1) 5 times, knit to last 5 sts before opposite marker, (inc 1) 5 times; rep from * on opposite side of bottom—128 sts.
Rnd 8: Knit, inc 1 st in rnd—129 sts.
Rnds 9, 10 and 11: Purl.
Pat 1818 - Butterflies Shawl
Chart Rows 69 and 71 have 4 extra yo's. Row 79 has a double dec at the left edge and it should be a single decrease.
Here are the corrected charts for these 3 rows.
Pat 1784 - Dragon Scales Socks
Leg Pat:
Rnd 11: (K1, p5, yo, ssk, k2 tog, yo, p5) 4 times
Pat 1912 - Hourglass Tank
Hourglass Pat :
Row 6: P1, k6, p1
Row 12: Rep Row 4.
Pat 1926- Ophelia Shawl
Key To Symbols: = Sl 2 sts to cable needle and hold in front, k2, k2 from cable needle
Pat 1934- Garter Fern Scarf
Second Inc Section:
Row 5: Knit to first marker, yo, complete row in est pat.
Cont to rep rows 1-8 of Second Inc Section until you have 38 sts worked in Garter st . . .
First Dec Section:
Cont to rep Rows 1-8 of First Dec Section until you have 31 sts rem in Garter st . . .
Rep Rows 1–4 of First Dec Section until you have 3 sts rem in Garter st, and ending with a RS row.
Pat 1954 - Ivy Cardigan
Set-Up Row (RS) - Sizes S, L, and XXL:
P3, *k1, p2, k3, p2; rep from * across.
Yoke: Please note, on the first row, Row 1 of the Raglan motif is worked over 4 sts (2 from the right front and 2 from the sleeve) with 3 sts rem between the markers. 1 dec is worked in the center of the 11 sleeve sts with 10 rem. The row cont in this manner across.
Pat 1958 - Rippling Colors Poncho
This should appear before starting the Featther and Fan section:
Remove start of rnd marker, count back 80 sts before st at right yo of
center “yo, k5, yo”, knit to that point (should be approx. 6 sts past
original start of rnd, and place start of rnd marker there.
Pat 1964- Kingston Cap
***Note: If you've purchased this pattern before 2/18/13, please contact us to obtain an updated version.
We've written out the color pattern to make it easier to keep in established pattern :)
Pat 1980 - Stackers Cowl
Section 2:
Rnds 5-9: Knit
Rnd 10: *K1 wrapping yarn around needle twice, k6; rep from * around
Pat 1981 - Crochet Dianthus Shell
The gauge should read: 24 dc=4 in./10 cm
Finished bust sizes are: 33(35.5, 38.5, 42, 44.5, 47.5)
Pat 1984 - Summer Floral Poncho
On page 2, Row 15 should start with K2, and Row 17 should start with K3.
Pat 1988 - On The Rocks
Under Lace Border, work 30-row rep of Lace Border Chart for a total of
12 (14, 16, 18, 20) reps.
Under Main Body Section, Rows 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 should read:
* K1, yo, k2, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo: rep from * around.
Pat 1998 - Vintage Colors Shawlette
There were several minor errors in the charts for this pattern:
On Chart #1: The center st (last st on the left side of chart) should always be K on the RS and P on the WS. There should be a yo on either side of the
center st on RS rows.
Chart #2: Row 30 should be P across except for the center st.
Border Pat: Work (yo, k3, on RH needle, pass first st of 3-sts just worked over 2) to center sts that are worked following Chart 3; to reverse pat on other side, work (k3, on RH needle, pass first st of 3-sts just worked over 2, yo).
Pat 2004- City Scape
Using A, CO
37 39 41 43 45 sts.
Row 1 - Set-up Row (RS): K3, yo, pm, k1, pm, yo, k1, yo,
pm, k1, pm, yo,
k25 27 29 31 33 sts, yo, pm, k1, pm, yo, k1, yo,
pm, k1, pm, yo, k3—
45 47 49 51 53 sts on needle.
Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
Row 3 - Inc Row: Inc 1, (knit to marker, yo, sm, k1, sm, yo)
4 times, knit to last 2 sts, inc 1, k1—
55 57 59 61 63 sts on needle
Pat 2006 - Veronica
Cast on row for Back Skirt should read: Using A, cast on 110 (122, 128) sts.
Last line of skirt directions: dec 24 (22, 14) sts evenly in last WS row - 86 (100, 114) sts rem.
Pat 2010 - Child's Watermelon Dress
The last line of the Skirt section should read: . . ., ending with any rnd except Rnd 6 or 12.
A clarification on the "placing marker" row just before dividing for the front and back. You will "work" the sts in the est pattern while placing the markers, rather than "knit".
Pat 2016 - Gabriella
Back, Row 2: P1, * k1, p1: rep from * across.
Yoke: Lace Pat Set-Up Row (RS):
. . . .work Lace Pat on next 23 sts, then work last 2 sts of Lace pat by knitting in bump behind next 2 sts; turn placing rem sts on holder -
The first few copies of this pattern were missing the following information:
Once you've worked inc's and CO's to shape sleeve, keep 4 sts at sleeve edges worked in
Garter St (knit every row) for the rest of the sleeve.
Neck Trim: RS facing, using larger needles, knit across . . . .
Pat 2024 - My First Tank
Top of page 2 should read:
To complete other side, place sts back from holder to working needle, ready to work a RS row. BO first
14 16 18 20 22 24 sts for back of neck, work rem 10 sts (includes 1 st on RH needle) following Row 1 of pat.
Next Row (WS): Work Row 2 of pat.
Pat 2030 - English Manor Top
Body Band should be worked for the stated number of inches rather than sts.
Pat 2034 - Olivetti Cardie
Row 9 of the Lace Pat should read:
Row 9: P2, * k1, k2 tog, k2, yo, k1, p2; rep from * across.
Pat 2036 - Botanie Lace Scarf
Set-Up Row 1 (RS): K1, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, (yo, k2tog) 2 times, k2, (k2 tog, yo) 2 times, k2 tog, k1, yo, [k1, yo, k1, (ssk, yo) 2 times s2kp,
(yo, k2tog) 2 times, k1, yo], work bet [ ] once more . . .
Pat 2040 - Taking Flight
Shape Wings with C at top of page 3: Rows 4 - 20 should read as follows:
Row 4: K2, p107; turn.
Row 6: K2, p97; turn.
Row 8: K2, p87; turn.
Row 10: K2, p77; turn.
Row 12: K2, p67; turn.
Row 14: K2, p57; turn.
Row 16: K2, p47; turn.
Row 18: K2, p37; turn.
Row 20: K2, p27; turn.
Pat 2044 - Manor Born Scarf
Row 1 of chart has the "1" printed inside the box; it should be to the right of the box.
Pat 2056 - Twin Peaks Cardi
Several dots indicating purl sts were omitted from Rows 5, 13 and 21of the Side Chart. Corrected Row 5 is shown below as an example.
As a guide, keep traveling sts knit on the RS and background sts purl. It should read as follows:
Repeat Yoke Chart Rows 1-24 once and rows 9 to 24 until stated length. Underarm BO should read BO (x) sts at beg of next two rows.
3/25/16: Omitted Stitch Key:
Pat 2060 - Olivetti Cardie
Quantities: 4 (5, 5, 6, 6, 7) hanks color Amethyst #766
Pat 2072 - Summer Night Shawlette
Left Half Dec Rows: Row 1, Using A; Rows 5-10, using B; Rows 11-14, using A; Rows 15-20, using B
Pat 2100 - Solstice
Armhole Trim: Place markers on either end of the armole shaping front and back. Pick up and knit as stated except work a total of
56 (58, 60, 64, 66, 68) sts between the markers including those on a holder for the front.
Pat 2106 - Enchantment Shawl
Total sts remaining unworked at the end of the Upper section has been changed to 38 from 40.
Total sts remaining unworked at the end of the fill-in Right Section has been changed to 8 from 10
Pat 2132 - Little Monster
There is an extra white stitch on row 6 of Chart 1, 2nd stitch should be black.
Pat 2154 - Bandana
Gauge listed on pattern should read 23 sts per 4" in Main Pattern.
Row 24: K3, (p2 tog, yo) to center 5 sts, p5, (yo, p2tog)to last 3 sts, k3.
Pat 2164 - Oslo Shawl
Chart 3: Row 28 - all blue squares should be slipped with yarn in front.
When working Border, Row 36: K3....slipping all B
Row 37: ...kfb, (knit all B sts, sl all C sts)....
Pat 2182 - Heartbeat Shawl
Border Pat: To appear exactly as in illustration of Black/multi version.
Row 1 (WS), work with B
Row 3: Using A
Row 5: Using B
Pat 2204 - Pyramid tank
Abbreviations: sk2p - sl1, k2tog, pass sl st over
Pat 2232 - Dandelions in Bloom
There is an error in the Set-Up Row for the Dandelion pat. It should read:
Set-Up Row (WS): P8, * insert needle in strand bet st just worked and next st and p1, p8; rep from * across.
Pat2264 - Gypsy Rose Cardi
Section 13 should read: RS facing, with MC, Cable CO 15 sts on working needle, switch it to your RH and pick up sts along Sections 10 and 11 as you did for Section 9 and then pick up 64 sts along Section 12. Complete as for Section 4, working armhole BO row with RS facing, leave sts on needle once completed and resume as written. Neckband directions should include the following after the pick up row:
Beg with WS facing, knit 1 row, purl 2 rows. BO all sts knitwise.
Pat 2298 - Newport Pullover
Directions for length of Bottom Band is missing the largest size, it should read: 37 (41, 45, 49, 53, 57) in from beginning.
Pat 2308 - High Chaparral Shawl
Center Lace Square should read: Work through Row 131 of Chart. Row 132 (WS): P3tog.
Border: All slipped stitches are slipped purlwise.
Pat 2310 - 4-Square Tee
Armhole Trim: Using smaller straight needles, RS facing, using A on A sleeve and B on B sleeve, evenly pick up and knit
78 (84, 90, 94, 100, 106) sts along armhole edge. Knit 1 row, purl 1 row. BO all sts purlwise. Sew side seams.
Pat 2336- Old Shale Shawl
For Rows 33-52 rep rows 11-30 working as follows (insert row 34 instructions) for every rep of row 12.
Size Large CO 174 sts.
Row 17 should read as follows: Slip 1, * YO, P2tog; repeat till marker, SM, P3, SM, * P2tog, YO; repeat from * till last sts, Slip1.
Pat 2443- Oceanis Top
Rows 21-48: repeat Rows 19-20 Total sts 155 (189)
Row 49: Knit
Row 50: Purl
Row 51: CO 1sts, then knit across.
Row 52: CO 1 sts, then purl across.
Rows 53-136: Repeat Rows 49-52. Total sts 199 (233).
Pat #2403 -Malaga
Extra Abbreviations have been added to make knitting easier.
Left Front neck measurements:
6.75 ( 6.75, 7, 7, 7.25, 7.25, 7.5, 7.5)”
Also, add a note in the lace section to purl through the back loop on the double yarn overs. More of a suggestion.
On Page three under Increase rounds: the number count should read
Repeat Rnd 1-6 until there are 342 (392, 444, 488, 532, 592, 628, 664)
Directions after Row 19:
Continue working Chart A the entire 26 rows while at the same time only working the rib repeat from Rows 10-19 .Work till you have 12 Chart A’s. You will end on a Row 16 of rib repeat.
Continue working rib sts increase but for the last Chart work Chart B instead of A.
On Chat A the white block should say RS: Purl WS: Knit